Friday, March 9, 2012

Diminishing Elder Andreses

Cousin: Dena Andres Fried
Sister: Julie Andres Schwait
September, 2011

The eldest member of the Andres clan died yesterday, Dena Andres Fried, aged 98. My father, Reubin, 88, inherits the mantle of eldest from her. I did not know Dena or her three children particularly well, but we did see them on our semi-annual summer visits to Dallas when I was growing up. There would be large gatherings of relatives with much eating and a genuine sense of family. I always ate too much and ended up feeling sick, but my memories are primarily happy ones.

Dena was one of 10 first-generation-American cousins, the children of the four Andrusier brothers who emmigrated from Odessa (the one in the Ukraine) to Texas before WWI. Their father followed and died in post WWII Dallas without ever learning English; they all spoke Yiddish.

There are only two left, Reubin, and the youngest of the 10, Dolly, a mere slip of a girl at 75. I've got this nice recent picture of Dena looking pretty pleased with things at a recent family gathering in Dallas, which I did not attend. Brother, Tom, is responsible for the photo.